Welcome to the Geneva Heights 12th Ward!

Whether you are planning to stay in the area for a few months or many years to come, please know that you are important to us. We echo the words of our prophet, “There is a place for you in this, the Lord’s Church.”1 We are united not only by proximity, but are each travelers on the covenant path. It is by keeping covenants with Heavenly Father that we can return home to Him. “Whether you are diligently moving along the covenant path, have slipped or stepped from the covenant path, or can’t even see the path from where you are…”2 our unifying vision is to enable you to take the next step forward.

We have felt uplifted, as we hope you will, as we have become acquainted with our neighbors. They are good people who would love to get to know you. May you feel welcome and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers as you adjust to your new home here in Vineyard.

Faithfully yours,

Bishop Kenworthy, Brother Steed & Brother Nelson

  1. “As We Go Forward Together,” First Presidency Message, Liahona, April 2018.
  2. “We Can Do Better and Be Better,” President Nelson, Ensign, May 2019.